What are the pros and cons of soffit vents vs. roof vents


During my latest foray into the attic, I discovered that my bathroom exhaust fans vent directly into the attic. I'm worried about moisture buildup and I'm considering routing the exhaust to an external vent. How major of an issue is this, and which type of vent is best?

From my perspective, a soffit vent is going to be easier to do and doesn't have the potential to allow rain to leak into my attic. Is there any strong argument for a roof vent?

I found this article explaining a basic how-to of each procedure, but it doesn't give any pros/cons for each one.

Best Answer



  • Vent easier to install
  • In heavy snow areas, not likely to be blocked


  • Soffits are designed for intake, so it's possible the air will be sucked back into the attic
  • Moist air can collect under the soffit



  • Heat and moisture want to rise
  • Keeps moisture away from walls, windows, siding


  • Can be blocked with heavy snow
  • More difficult install

I don't think it's that difficult to install a roof vent - this is a pretty good video