What are the pros and cons of steel vs. aluminum metal roofing


I'm considering a new roof for my suburban home. The home is about fourteen years old and the shingles are in so-so shape. We have had two leaks already and I've been told that means it is a good time to consider replacing the roof.

Rather than replace with another traditional shingle roof, I'm considering going with a metal roof. I've seen a couple in the neighborhood and they look nice, and I hear a metal roof will last a lot longer.

Aluminum and steel appear to be the two major products when it comes to metal roofing for residential homes. I'm not sure whether I should be considering aluminum, or steel.

What are the pros and cons of steel vs. aluminum metal roofing? That is, what advantages and disadvantages does steel roofing have compared to aluminum roofing, and vice-versa? If I go for one or the other type, what should I be looking out for and what should I be avoiding?

Best Answer

The aluminum is probably more susceptible to denting, being a softer metal.

Will you ever need to walk on the roof? Do you have overhanging trees that may drop branches in a storm? Even trees near your house can see branches go flying your way.

Another question is the coating used. Since steel can rust, you don't want to worry about it. A high quality product would seem valuable there. Of course, you don't want to see paint flakes peeling off an aluminum roofing product either.

Finally, make sure that you can deal with snow, although this is not a factor that depends on the material itself. Our neighbor has a metal roof. A few years ago, we had a large, heavy snow fall, and a huge mass of snow broke free to slide off the roof. As it was coming down, it tore off the gutters on their home, then completely flattened part of their porch. My guess is it was several thousand dollars worth of damage. Falling snow can also damage plantings near the house. There are tabs that can be placed on the roof surface to prevent this if you live in the snow belt.