What are the qualities of a top end paint versus a low end paint


I just purchased a home and it needs a good painting (interior). A little research led me to a thread stating that Benjamin Moore has the best paint. How does it compare to Lowe's and Home Depot paints?

Does the brand really matter?

What are the qualities of a top end paint versus a low end paint?


A link to top 8 interior paints.

Best Answer

I have always been pleased with Behr paints from the Home Depot, though I know they are a bit pricey.

From my experience less expensive paints tend to have the following in common (and I'm sure this is by no means comprehensive)

  • less covering ability ... the pigments used don't seem to be able to provide as good a barrier to bleed through from what's on the wall now

  • less coverage ... probably related to the first point, but they also don't seem to get the same amount of square footage per gallon

  • more spatter/drips, the paint itself seems thinner leading to more cleanup

  • less selection of colours

  • less durable, the less expensive semi glosses that I've used don't seem to retain their finish as long leading to repainting earlier.

  • more marking, again related to the finish, the walls seem to mark up much easier

Again this is only based on my experiences, Sears used to have a good quality paint but lately I've bought Behr. CIL is probably good in most cases as is Benjamin Moore. I've used a number of bargain brands and don't really recommend any of them, and the last time I used a gallon of Walmart house brand was the last time I used a gallon from Walmart :-P

Hope this (mostly opnion) helps.