Why is our brand new dishwasher not draining


So, some background on this issue first… our old dishwasher seemed to work fine when we first moved into this house, but within the last year it started having a drainage issue. Water would be left standing in the bottom of the dishwasher after the cycle finished which was leading to yucky stuff down there as well. My husband pulled the dishwasher out, unplugged the drain hose, made sure the trap was clean, etc. Unfortunately, the problem was not solved.

Finally, we just got a brand new dishwasher hoping that our drainage problem was behind us, but sadly the new dishwasher doesn't drain either! HELP! All that I can see is a black drain hose which goes down into our crawl space and then back up and attaches to our sink. The sink has not had any drainage problems. Any ideas?

Best Answer

You say that the drain hose runs down to the crawlspace then back up again. It's winter time (at least in the northern hemisphere); I wonder if the water is freezing in the drain hose at the lowest point, enough that hot water from the dishwasher isn't able to reach it to melt it (there would likely be a layer of cold liquid water between the dishwasher and the bottom of the hose).

I think it's odd that the drain hose feeds through the crawlspace; any installations that I can remember seeing have a hose feeding through the cabinet wall to the sink's plumbing. Is the dishwasher adjacent to the sink so that you could redirect the hose like that?