Wiring – connect the green wire on the dishwasher


I'm installing a new dishwasher and the dishwasher itself has the black, white and green wire, the power supply (which is coming out of the floor of the house) doesn't have a green wire it has a black wire and white wire. What do I do with the green wire that is coming from the dishwasher junction box?enter image description here

Best Answer

The flex is your grounding path, so cap off the green wire

In your situation, the metal conduit (flex, then rigid/EMT) is serving as the equipment grounding path, via the conduit fitting going into a 1/2" knockout (KO) on the dishwasher junction box, so you don't have a ground wire coming in. This means you can simply cap the green ground wire off; if that's not satisfactory for some reason, you can use a grounding locknut instead of the existing locknut on the fitting, then attach the green wire to the screw on the grounding locknut.