Wiring – I have voltage on the neutral wire for a 220 volt ac inverter and blew up some of the house appliances


Why does my white neutral conductor has voltage on it? Is a 220 VAC from a DC to AC Inverter circuit supply. The outlet is like a normal American 110 VAC socket but I requested it to be made as a 220 VAC. I tested the black hot conductor and the red hot conductor and both made a 240 VAC and that was ok, That is what I ordered. I was spec ting that to feed my electrical main 220 VAc Breaker Box with those 2 poles 120 VAC each. The problem came when I tested the white neutral conductor and the black hot conductor that should gave me only 120 VAC but it didn't; instead gave me a lecture of 240 VAC also. Weird. Finally I tested the white neutral conductor to the Red hot wire that should gave me again another 120 VAC but instead gave me crazy 80 VAC. I was scratching my head WTF. When I made the connection anyway to see it blew up most of my electrical light bulbs and some appliances. I was really mad. The DC input voltage was fine above the lowest operational voltage and below the highest operational voltage as per manual, but the AC output was wacky. It is brand new 48 VAC Pure Sine Wave Inverter and I need it to supply my house and there is no warranty. An electrician told me that probably the neutral wire is connected somehow to a hot wire inside the inverter or is not connected at all and could be a factory faulty inner connection and not a misunderstood installation made wrong by me. Please help me. Any comments of useful testing of troubleshoot fixing solutions will be thankfully appreciated. Bless you.

Best Answer

It sounds like this is a custom-made piece of electronics, so I would contact the manufacturer to find out how you're supposed to use it. It may be defective or maybe there is a misunderstanding of how it is supposed to function.

As a side note, I think it's dangerous to have a US-style 110V outlet wired with 220V... that's just asking for an injury or fire when someone plugs something into it. There are standard receptacle shapes for 220V (such as those used by generators, clothes driers, etc.). Also, the outlet itself and anything you plug into it is probably not rated for the higher voltage, even if you know what you're doing.