Wood – Should I use nails or screws to refasten the subfloor to the joists


My subfloor is squeaky, and there's a small window of opportunity I'll have to fasten it down before/during my carpet being replaced. I have available to me a nice corded drill, and an air-powered framing nailer. My chief concern is longevity of the solution, I don't want the floor squeaking again in 5 years. Screws will likely hold longer than nails, but with the way higher nailing rate and the right nails (suggestions?) will nails be a better choice for me?

Cost isn't really a factor, as this is only one job. Carpet installers show up tomorrow 🙂

Best Answer


  • It doesn't sound like you're reattaching the entire floor; this is more like strategic intervals to solidify the fastening. Your nail/screw rate is not as important as if you were attaching a new subfloor from scratch.
  • Glue and screw is popular for more reasons than just rhyming
  • You're going through this effort to make it right. So do it right.