Wood – this grey fungus/insect, and is it damaging the woodwork


Yesterday my parents discovered these 'things' attached to the varnished wooden fascia board outside the downstairs bathroom. They are attached to the outside of the house, in a sheltered spot. They live in Somerset, UK.

They are approximately 6 cm in length/diameter (some are round and some not – see photos), and have been there for about a week (it is about a week since this part of the house was looked at).

My questions are:
1) What are they? Mould? Fungus? Insect?
2) Is it damaging the wood, and therefore should it be removed?

One of the non-circular 'things' with a tape measure for scale

Side view - to show how they are attached

Circular 'thing'

Best Answer

My dad removed them this morning, and they are a fungus. A lot of dark spores came out when he pierced one (see photo).

The fungus didn't damage the paintwork, as can be seen in the photos; it just left a mess of spores behind.

Site of removed fungus, with paintwork damaged

Contents of one of the fungus