Would this air conditioner setup work


Forgive me for my poor paint skill:

air conditioner setup

I have this small room, one door, no windows, one skylight. I'm planning to buy a portable air conditioner and put the hot air pipe near the lower area of the skylight, pressed against the mosquito net. Note that air will still be able to pass through all the net, not only the part near the pipe.

Room is about 3x3m width, 2.5m height. Skylight is about 1x1m width, 2m height.

The plan is that hot air should be able to get outside because it leaves the pipe with a certain speed and also hot air should go up because that's what hot air does.

During the day, when the air conditioner will be on, all windows in the rest of the house will be closed, so air should have no reasons to enter from the skylight. But even if they were open, 90% of the time air flows from windows to the skylight.

My doubts are:

  1. Will hot air really go out?
  2. In the "all windows are closed"
    case, if air goes out, it must also get in somewhere… the rest of
    the house is like six times the size of the room and in the kitchen
    (the furthest room) there are two small holes in the wall (10cm
    radius) for security reason (in case of gas leaks).

The air conditioner that I'm looking at doesn't have a second input pipe, so I guess it will pull air directly from the room, and the room will pull it from the skylight. Now… It might create an air flow like the one in the updated picture where most of the hot air still get's out, or just suck back the hot air inside… What's the most probable outcome? Even if I find one with the input pipe, it will be useless if I can't put them both outside AND far from each other right? If so, I guess I'm out of luck…

air conditioner setup v2

Best Answer

Except you are pumping hot air out of the room. You are trying to create a vacuum in the room, and nature abhors a vacuum. It will push an equivalent amount of air back into the room via every possible path, in proportion to their air resistance.

Most likely it is simply going to push air down your skylight, handing your hot air right back to you.

Most of those portable air conditioners that put a hose on the condenser output, also have options to also put a hose on the condenser input. You'll want to figure that out.

keep in mind you only drew the two air conditioner outputs. There are also two air inputs - one to the condenser, and one to the evaporator (which outputs cold air). On most units they are separate, or at least separable.

Since only the condenser output leaves the room, only the condenser input needs to be drawn from outside the room. The evaporator outputs into the room, so the evaporator input can also be inside the room.