Learn English – Do I say “where is it there” or “where it is there” to ask where a place is located


I would like to know which of the following sentences is correct.

  1. "Where is it there," or

  2. "Where it is there"

Now what I'm trying to project in the question is: "Where or what is that place?" Like asking: "Where was the example picture taken" I have been trying to translate "Adónde es alli?" from my native language Spanish to English using Google Translate, but I don't trust it since it won't translate correctly sometimes. It does translate "Adónde es alli?" to "Where it is there" but I'm not sure whether it's correct or not.

I would like to ask where this truck is located in this picture:

I would like to ask where this truck is located in this picture

Best Answer

Neither of those two sentences is correct. #2 is completely grammatically incorrect. When we make a question, we reverse the order of words, so "It is _____." becomes "Is it ____?" or, if using an interrogative like who, where, when, etc., "Where is it?"

#1 comes closer to being grammatically correct, but still doesn't really make sense.

It seems like you already know the way to phrase the question: "Where is that?" or "What place is that?" or "What is that place?" or maybe "Where was that picture taken?" All of those would sound normal and unremarkable to my American English ear.