Learn English – Function vs functionality


How do you differentiate these two nouns, especially in the context of "function(ality?) of component X" ?

Are there any cases where they are not interchangeable?


Here are modified versions of examples taken from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/function . What might possibly be odd with them?

bridges perform the functionality of providing access across water

But it does play on social mores and our embarrassment about natural bodily functionalities, albeit in a crude way.

This is because, the article argues, they are a similar frequency to the type of electrical activity natural to cellular functionalities and so may cause interference.

When a breast can't perform its natural functionalities, many women find it difficult to accept it as part of their body.

building designs that prioritize style over functionality

Motorcycle exhausts are designed with style and functionality in mind.

The reasons for docking originated in aesthetic design, functionality, early medical theory and even tax minimisation.

The idea of functionality sounds very practical, very sensible, whereas beauty sounds a bit airy-fairy and a bit off in the clouds.

A few more taken from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/function (all occurrences of "function" were originally "functionality")

I like the feel and function of this bakeware

Everyone recognizes that we have come a very long way in bringing superior quality and function within reach of the masses.

People want function and quality, but also want to make a statement; they want to be cool.

Aesthetic quality and function were the decisive criteria for the choice of materials.

manufacturing processes may be affected by the function of the product

Our patent pending headset is unique in design and function.

That is, truly elegant design incorporates top-notch function into a simple, uncluttered form.

We also know that we need to do something like that where we can combine design with function and flexibility in an emotional package.

new software with additional function

The opt-in function and quality subscriber database have been found to be important elements in wireless advertising.

It's akin to cell phones adding all sorts of new functions and services.

With a little bit of practice, you should be able to add extended CD function to your repertoire of technology tricks.

Best Answer

The subtle difference between the two words is this: functionality refers to the capability and suitability of a thing, whereas function refers, without value judgment, to the action a thing performs or is intended to perform.

The bridge serves the function of allowing cars and trucks to cross the river.

Traffic volume has increased tenfold since the two-lane bridge was built. The functionality of the bridge has diminished greatly. A new four-lane bridge is contemplated.

We have added new functionality to the software. It can now do OCR.

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