Learn English – How to describe a future event


For example,

I am working in an office right now.
Today, I will arrive home on 6 pm, then I will call my mom immediately.

Please help me to correct the following sentences.
Please point out which one is right or wrong.

  1. When I arrives home, I will call my mom.
  2. When I arrived home, I will call my mom.
  3. On the heels of arriving home, I will call my mom.
  4. After arriving home, I will call my mom.

Please also choose the best one.

Best Answer

1.) use arrive instead of arrives "When I arrive home, I will call my mom"

2.) arrived is past tense so it should be "When I arrive home, I will call my mom" or "When I arrived home, I called my mom"

3.) I think it's fine grammatically, but the phrase "on the heals of" seems awkward in this sentence

4.) This one is fine

I think #1 (corrected to "When I arrive home, I will call my mom") is the best, but #4 is good too.