Learn English – Is the phrase “Hit-And-Trial” equivalent to “Trial and error”


I recall that the phrase "Hit-and-Trial" means "Trial And Error", that is to guess a solution and see if it is valid or not.

I've only a vague memory of reading it in some chemistry book where it was a method for balancing chemical equations. I also found this phrase in a question title on Math.SE :

Solving questions which appear to be pure hit-and-trial.

The user seems to be English. When I search this phrase on Google I get "Trial and error" related links.

The problem is that I could not find any authoritative reference which mentions the meaning of "Hit-and-Trial". So please tell me if it means "Trial And Error" or not.

Best Answer

No, it doesn't mean that (at least not in the US).

As a native speaker in the US, if I heard someone say "hit and trial" I would probably stop them and ask if they meant "hit and miss" or "trial and error".

I've never heard that phrasing until seeing this question.

In your example question from Mathematics SE, it looks like they mean "trial and error", but I get that from the context, not from understanding the phrase.

It might mean that in Indian English.

It's been suggested that this might be a phrase that's used in Indian English.

I can neither confirm nor deny this, but a google search reveals it being used to mean "trial and error" in an article written by a "Brajesh Shukla", in a question asked by a "Surya Varma", and in an article on "The Hindu". So, the suggestion seems as though it may be true.