Learn English – Is “what the hell” considered offensive


Is "what the hell" used as just an expression, or is it considered offensive? In what situations is it "okay" to use it? If it is offensive, is there a more "polite" alternative which expresses the same feeling?

Best Answer

Note that what the hell (or the more common and even more offensive what the fuck) is a short form for something like...

What the hell is going on?

So just omit the "potentially offensive" bit in the middle. According to context, it might be you need to say "What are you doing?", or "What is that?", but hopefully the general principle is clear.

Lots of people probably think of "hell" above as a "toned down" variant on "fuck". You could tone it down even more by saying "What the heck", or "What the blazes", for example, but increasingly I think such euphemisms are seen as somewhat dated. Either swear or don't - there's no point in pussyfooting around with expressions that are really just attempts to swear without literally doing so.

Arguably just a personal opinion, but I think as a rule non-native speakers may well be judged more harshly than native speakers when it comes to "offensive" language. I believe most people (not just parents) are more likely to be bothered by children swearing than by adults using the same language. Whether you like it or not, it's unavoidable that many people will (consciously or unconsciously) conflate "inarticulate" foreigners with native children who are also in the process of learning English.

Therefore, although I can understand why people learning English are often particularly interested in learning how to use swear words (hoping to sound more like native speakers), I think this is a misguided approach. Personally, I believe swearing effectively/"correctly" is quite an art - which even most native speakers never really master, because it's so much more context-sensitive than most language usage.