Learn English – “Live life to the fullest” what does it mean


I have read in some articles "live life to the fullest" and I was so confused as to what this really means. Does it mean to live happily? I'm not so sure.

Best Answer

Live life to its fullest is a clichè often said to encourage people who are feeling down, a bit depressed, lonely or self-pitying. Supposedly, it is meant to inspire the listener to get off their backside, be grateful for what they do have and LIVE!.

The noble concept being as we have only one life, we should therefore make the most of every opportunity and life enhancing experience that might cross our paths. Failing that, we should be "pro-active" and not wait for life to knock on our doors (another clichè) and instead actively seek these experiences.

In other words, use the time that is available wisely, to its maximum capacity, i.e., to its fullest.