Learn English – My favourite hobby is + verb + ing


Could you help me?

Are these sentences correct or should I change them somehow? I'm particularly curiuos if I can say "My favourite hobby is playing football" or if I must write: "My favourite hobby is football." Can I use "verb+ing" after hobby? Is playing football all right or awkward?

My favourite hobby is playing football.

My favourite hobby is horse riding.

My favourite hobby is swimming.

My favourite hobby is painting.

My favourite hobby is reading.

My favourite hobby is dancing.

My favourite hobby is listening to music.

My favourite hobby is cooking.

My favourite hobby is playing games.

Best Answer

All your sentences are correct. Since sentences usually exist in a context, people will understand what you mean.

My hobby is football. My hobby is playing football.

But if there's no context it's not clear from the first sentence if you are a footballer or a fan.