Gerunds – What Are Nouns Ending with *-ing* That Are Not Gerunds?


A gerund (often known as an -ing word) is a noun formed from a verb by adding -ing. … Not all words formed with -ing are gerunds.

Is there an example of noun ends with -ing but it's not a gerund?

Best Answer

As you can see in the comments, there are many words which end in "-ing" which are not gerunds -- "filling", "thing", "icing", etc. If you're curious about the derivation of these words you can consult an etymology dictionary. Some probably originally derived from the gerund of related verbs (like "frosting"), while others simply evolved into nouns from similar-sounding older words (like "swing").

Unfortunately, while there are patterns this may not be obvious to anyone but a language expert. English a mix of several dissimilar languages and so any word can have a unique origin.

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