Learn English – Should I use “you welcome” every time for “thanks” or does it depend on context


What is exactly use of "you welcome"?

Suppose there are two scenario:

  1. If someone come to me for help and I did then he might say "thanks". In this scenario I will reply "you welcome".

  2. If I go to shop and buy something and paid bill then shopkeeper said "thanks".

In scenario 2 what do I need to reply him? As I gone there to buy something I can't reply him as "you welcome", right? So, how to reply in that case and what are different ways to reply for thanks as per different scenario?

Best Answer

I suspect you mean "you're welcome", short for "you are welcome". The phrase "you welcome" is unidiomatic.

Yes, "you're welcome" is the traditional, idiomatic response to "thanks". It would be very difficult to find a situation where it wasn't appropriate. But there are lots of other appropriate responses as well. For example:

"My pleasure" is appropriate to indicate that whatever they are thanking you for was enjoyable on your part and not a chore. This might be appropriate if you enjoyed helping someone but probably not for a shopkeeper.

"No problem", "Don't mention it", or "Any time" are common to indicate that whatever help you provided was help you're willing to provide as needed. Again, not appropriate for a shopkeeper.

Also, you can just reply "thanks". That's appropriate situations where the other person has helped you as well, such as the shopkeeper.

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