Learn English – Thank you for your interest / question / inquiry


My friend that I didn't saw for some time sent me a message and asked me "Hello friend, How are you?". What's the most appropriate / acceptable or natural way to answer him if I want to thank him about that he remembered me?

Hello, I'm fine, thank you very much for your interest.

Hello, I'm fine, thank you very much for your question.

Hello, I'm fine, thank you very much for your inquiry.

Which of the three verbs (or maybe additional ones that you know) is the correct in this context?

Best Answer

If this is a multiple-choice English examination question, I would go for "interest" as it is the most polite and gracious of the options you give; but actually, both the first two options sound very formal and not the sort of thing a native speaker would say to a real friend.

Probably more common and slightly less formal is:

"I'm fine, thanks for asking"

This is normally used genuinely, but when close friends use overly formal speech with one another it can imply aloofness or make a person sound withdrawn. Saying "thanks for asking" or similar in a certain tone might sarcastically imply "why didn't you ask how I was sooner?"

The last option "thanks for your inquiry" is incorrect, at least in British English. The word "enquiry" is synonymous with asking a question but is even more formal than your other examples. However, what was once an alternative spelling "inquiry" is now almost entirely used for formal investigations, such a "police inquiry".

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