Learn English – “That’s the jam” – is it only for songs


What does "That's my jam" I heard this phrase in TV serial 'Scream Queens' and the woman who said this dialogue was referring to some song.

I searched it on Internet and found out from some local sites that it means that the song which was being played was one of the favorite song of the speaker. I just want to make sure that is this information correct and can we say 'that's my jam 'to refer to some other things other than songs or this phrase is just for referring song.

Best Answer

It originally refered to favourite music in someone's personal playlist or music collection, and more specifically to music that forms a 'soundtrack' to their life or activities.

It has come to be applied more generally to refer to something that the person likes a lot, approves of strongly or enjoys doing. Examples could include:

  • 'Grilling steaks in the backyard with friends, yeah that's my jam!'
  • 'like my girls a little plump, yeah, curvy is my jam'
  • 'Bass pounding dance music, that EDM stuff is my jam'.