Learn English – the difference between “yep” and “yeah”


What is the difference caused by using “yep” instead of ”yeah”?

Is it used because “yep” sounds better and not straight like “yeah”? In some situations, it feels like "yes" is better to use than no even though it adds more formal. What is the reason why many use "yep" and "yeah"? When should one use over the other?

What is the difference in meaning among the common words yes, yeah, ya, yep, and yup?

Best Answer

"Yeah", "yeh", "yup", and "yep" are all informal variants of "yes".

In an informal setting (i.e., in casual conversations — talking to your friends, colleagues, and family members), you would be just fine using any of them. Only in a very formal setting, would the use of the informal variants be frowned upon. "Yes" works in any setting, but it may be a bit formal when you are hanging out with your friends. However, "yes" can also be used without sounding formal at all.

Friend: You want anything?
You: Yeah, a beer would be good.
Friend no. 2: Are you okay man?
You: Yes brother, I am good now.

Don't do this (or anything of this sort):

Question: Will you be my wife? or Do you, X, take Y to be your lawfully wedded wife/husband?
You: Yep.

Sometimes, both "yeah" and "yep" can be used when we are trying to be dismissive, or when we don't want to continue the conversation anymore. "Yep" can end a conversation abruptly. "Yeah right" can be downright dismissive.

In a way, "yep" might be preferred if that is all you want to say to someone (i.e., just "yes"); "yeah" allows you to continue your statement.

""Yep" has that self-sufficient feel, as if it had a period attached to it. "Yeah", on the other hand, feels like it has a comma attached, inviting me to expand on it. "Yeah, I did it", "yeah, that's right", "yeah, we really should do that" and so on." – RegDwigнt♦ Aug 25 '10 at 19:39

EL&U: When is it appropriate to use “Yeah” and “Yep” as variants of the word “Yes”?

"Yeah" and "Yep/Yup" are not interchangeable in all cases.

"Yeah" is used before a negation sometimes ("yep/yup" is not commonly used for this case):

Yeah, I don't know anything about that.
Yeah, I am not sure.
Yeah, I've no idea man.
Yeah, but ... (this happens quite frequently)

"Yeah can also be used in a partial negation [yeah, but] meaning that you are affirming only a portion of the question." — Zoot (ibid.)

"Yeah" is also used as an exclamation (e.g., when your favorite team scores a goal, or when your crush sits beside you — in which case it is internal): Yeaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!! or Yeeaaassssssssssss!!!