Learn English – This week with simple past


I was reading a textbook (Connect 3: it's a student book) in which there are some time expressions for simple past among which I found 'this week'.

I always thought 'this week' must be used with present perfect and avoided making a sentence or question like 'What did you do this week?'

Now I'm confused by 'this week' as a time expression for simple past and unfortunately there is no example provided.

Does this sentence sound OK with a native speaker?

I finished my homework this week.

Can we use 'this week' with simple past?

Best Answer

Yes, these can make sense.

What did you do this week?

You wouldn't generally expect people to say "What did you do this week?" on a Monday morning. But if you are speaking with someone on a Friday night--or a Saturday or Sunday--the mention of "this week" in the past generally refers to the "work week" (Monday thru Friday).

But it could also be used with something recurring, where the recurring thing being discussed has finished...but you are still "in the same week" to refer to it as "this week".

Imagine you are taking a class that has a session every Wednesday. You could say "I just finished class" and someone could ask "What did you do this week?"--meaning "What happened during your class in this week's session?"

I finished my homework this week.

Imagine that you had not finished your homework for one of those classes you have sessions for once a week.

Now it is the next class. As you hand your homework in, you might tell the teacher "I finished my homework this week!" (to say you did a better job...this time).