Learn English – What do you call income and fixed expenses in a single word


Every month we all have got income (e.g. salary, dividends) and fixed expenses (e.g. rent, transport). I am a programmer and in this domain these two entities are the same, except the income is a positive value while the expenses are negative ones.

My question is: what word can be used to characterize both concepts of income and fixed expenses? For example the word animal might mean a dog and a cat as well. And what single word does connote both income and fixed expense?

In other words, what do you call the income and fixed expenses you have got monthly in a single word?

Best Answer

Income and expenses are both "accounts".

I'm not sure if that works for you because other things are "accounts" also, like liabilities and capital. If you need a word that INCLUDES both income and expenses, than "accounts" is the most likely word. If you mean a word that includes income and fixed expenses and nothing else ... I don't think there's a generally-accepted term for that.

It's like your "animal" example: dogs and cats are both "animals", but there are other kinds of animals too.

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