Learn English – word for “most late”


I wish to express me being late to the office

i) I have never been this late to the office.

ii) I this is the most late I have been to the office.

iii) This is the latest I have been to the office.

The third sentence is incorrect. What is the correct way to phrase it?

Best Answer

If you use "I have been to the office", you are by definition being unspecific about exactly at what time you arrived there or until exactly what time you stayed there. The only time specification you can give with "I have been to the office" is a period or a frequency, e.g., "today", "twice this week", "more times than I can tell", etc.

If you want to say something about the precise time you arrived at or got to the office, you could say, "I've never arrived at/got to the office this late [before]" or "This is the latest I've ever arrived at/got to the office". So you wouldn't use "have been".

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