Learn English – Word for ‘most late’


Latest in English means most recent. Then, how do we say something is 'most late'?

For example, all the candidates for a job receive their interview schedules. I don't exactly know the entire schedule, but I've seen three dates: November 3, November 7, and November 11. My friend asks me when is the last interview. I want to tell him that from what I've seen the 'most late' one is on November 11th. How would I phrase this sentence?

Best Answer

You have a problem with your question.

You're using dates of November. At the time of this question, it's October and November is in the future. When you say that latest means most recent, that's only if you're talking about the past. If you're talking about the future, it's the opposite.

However, for the purpose of the final answer, the same general principles apply.

Regardless of your point of reference, latest is on one end of the scale and earliest is on the other.

In other words:

  • Dates in the past: November 3 was the earliest date and it was the furthest away from the present; November 11 was the latest date and it was the closest to to the present.

  • Dates in the future: November 3 will be the earliest date and it will be the closest to the present; November 11 will be the latest date and it will be the furthest away from the present.

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