Learn English – A title or descriptive phrase for someone who likes to share


I'm building a mobile app that has a series of achievements that may be awarded based on the users interaction. The app itself is an easter egg hunt.

One of the achievements is for sharing (via Facebook, Twitter, SMS etc).

What would be a good title or badge for someone who often shares or attempts to persuade friends to join them?

An example of a different achievement:

"Night Owl" – 10 Eggs collected between the hours of 9pm and 4am.

Best Answer

You probably won't find it in a dictionary, but...

publiciser/publicizer (from the verb form bring to public notice; advertise)

Here on StackExchange we have a badge for...

publicist - shared a link to a question that was visited by 1000 unique IP addresses.

...but that's especially a press agent or public-relations consultant - "commercial" connotations that arguably don't fit too well with OP's (or indeed, SE's) contexts.