Learn English – A word for a collection of collections of video content


If I were to put together collections of scientific lectures either by speaker or topic, what might I call them as a whole, if all the collections too were grouped into one item?

I am looking for a word that is similar to anthology, but that seems to refer exclusively to literary content. I have thought about series, but what if you have a collection of series (like, what would all the series of Star Trek be called if they were put into one set)? Simply, I have considered collection and selection, and more aptly, compilation. Collection might work but it seems to general of a word and compilation seems accurate, but kind of sounds like tech jargon. A single word would be nice, but I am open to a two or three word combo. As it sits now, I feel stuck with [unique name] collection series.

Best Answer

If it were me, I would prefer [whatever] Library.

The [something] Collection works great though. See for example The Criterion Collection.