Learn English – A word for having trouble distinguishing between friendship and romance


I need a word for a person is, or the act of being, incapable of distinguishing between romantic partners and friends. Or someone who feels the same about friends as they do about romantic partners.
I read an article or something a while back about words for things that you have trouble explaining and I can't remember what this word was, and now I can't find it anywhere. :0

Any suggestions?


Specifically, a person who experiences romantic attraction to their friends. (Although I don't know if this would be part of the definition, or my interpretation of the definition.)

Also, it may be helpful to note that by "romantic attraction", I do not mean "sexual attraction". I intend to imply the idea of platonic romance, although I doubt the idea would expressly exclude cases in which sexual attraction are present.

Best Answer

The person ...

tends to get the wrong idea.

is tone-deaf in relationships.

is not good at picking up social cues.

confuses friendship with romantic intentions.

always assumes you want more.

turns everything into a date (works best if the person is female).

is a little creepy (works best if the person is male).

is too touchy feely (works best if the person is a male).

is over-familiar.