Learn English – a word that means something like a “seal of approval.”


I visited my doctor for discharge summary and asked her if she could pinpoint the cause of the cancer. when she started to speak, she was lost in search of a word that would fit in the blank in the following sentence: your cancer might be because of this virus but nobody yet has put a _____ on it.

she was lost and so was I. usually when we buy a product, there is a seal on it that suggests authenticity. I am looking for a word that could mean a seal or mark that proves something is authentic. In this case, it would confirm that the cause of the disease is X.

Is there a word that would suitably fill in the blank spot?

Best Answer

I think you may say:

nobody yet has put a final word on it.

suggesting that developments are still underway and a lot of research has probably to be done before a final answer is found.