Learn English – A word to describe something that is desired only because it is rare


By rare I mean either nobody else has it or very few people possess it.
I have seen veblen goods and snob effect. I use them whenever I have the need for such a concept but do so when I have time to explain it to the listener.

Is there an adjective or noun that anyone here knows that would describe anything to be desirable only because of its exclusivity?

On a different note, is there a word for the desire to own such unusual, expensive or unique goods?

Best Answer

That would be collectible

What is a 'Collectible' A collectible is an item that is worth far more than it appears because of its rarity and/or demand. Common categories of collectibles include antiques, toys, coins, comic books and stamps. Items that have been mass-produced, and thus are not rare, are often marketed as collectibles to drive consumer demand.

Read more: Collectible Definition | Investopedia http://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/collectible.asp#ixzz47tKaidlD