Learn English – about to retire but not retired yet, employed but not working any more


Is there a word/phrase to describe the situation when a person doesn't work anymore, but they haven't retired yet? They may be still officially employed but with no actual responsibility, possibly too old and about to retire? Like a senior professor who is too old to lecture, holds no chair anymore, but is still officially employed at the academy?

Thank you all for the answers. On light duties and pre-retirement period are best for my context. I'm sure many will find the other ideas useful as well.

Best Answer

I favor pre-retirement Merriam

of, relating to, or occurring in a time before retirement

As in: OED

1990 Intercity Apr. 27/1 Increasingly firms have come to realize the need for pre-retirement courses to help plan the available time.

To retire, one must make some plans - take some steps. This stage include ones finances, habitation, health and other life's needs . The root word retire is retirer, "to withdraw."

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