Learn English – Better alternatives to “Save me!” – meaning to save electricity


There is a sign on the light switch at a bilingual school to encourage students to switch off the lights when not in use and help save energy:

Save me!

enter image description here

Translating "Save me!" to Slovak, would be:

save me => zachráň ma

Which sounds correct, meaning "save me from [something]".

Google Translate gives the below for the correct Slovak term as in "save electricity", I guess that is how school decided to use "Save me!" on the switches:

šetrí ma => save me

This doesn't sound right to me, but I cannot think of any other better alternative that is short and concise enough that would fit on a switch button.

Update: I will contact the school, and see what option they prefer. Then accept the answer accordingly. Thank you for all the answers/comments.

Best Answer

I suppose conserve would be a more correct (or at least less ambiguous) term for what's meant.

But as I said in the comment, "Save me!" is a bit funnier and draws your attention as it personifies the electricity (or the light switch) a little, like it's asking for your help as well as asking you to save electricity.

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