Word Choice – ‘By’ vs ‘Per’ in Financial Expressions


In the finance field, it is quite common to express some measures in relation to some grouping criteria. Some groupings can be temporal (year, month, etc.) and others like greography, asset class (e.g. a financial product), strategy (used in trading), and others.

Which one is the most appropriate preposition to apply in this kind of expression ?

  • "VaR per asset" or "VaR by asset"
  • "P&L per strategy" or "P&L by strategy".

Is there any well defined rule behind the most appropriate use ?

Best Answer

I always use by, because in this context we mean "grouped by"

  • PnL by trader = PnL results grouped by trader

  • PnL by day= PnL results grouped by day

  • VaR by asset = VaR results grouped by asset

  • VaR by portfolio = VaR results grouped by portfolio

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