Learn English – Construction of to cheat


I am not a native speaker and I would like to write a sentence using the verb "to cheat on". The situation I want to describe is that someone (Mr X) has lied to someone else (Mr Y) convincing Mr Y to lend Mr X some money that was never given back.

My first attempt was: "Mr X cheated on Mr Y … money". My questions are: can I use the verb "to cheat" in this context? What word / expression should I use before money? The only expressions that come to my mind are "regarding" and "with respect to" but this does not sound correct to me.

In general, can one say "X cheated on Y … something?", where something can be money, feelings, etc?

Best Answer

You can certainly use the verb to cheat in this context, but you want to avoid the phrasal verb to cheat on [a person], which specifically implies (generally sexual) infidelity within a romantic relationship.

The structure you're probably looking for is X cheated Y out of [his money].

I'm not sure what it would mean to cheat someone of their feelings. If you're confused about how to continue the sentence after the verb, you could always say something like: X cheated Y, causing him to lose a good deal of money.

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