Learn English – Difference between “leverage” and “utilize”


Sooner or later, you want to leverage Zend_Application better by
creating your own resource plugins.

Can leverage above be replaced by utilize?

Best Answer

Leverage means to use something in such a way that a small amount has a big result, much as a lever lets you move a larger load than you would normally be able to. In terms of the statement, Zend can be made more effective with plug ins. That is to say, the plug in means that your web app gets extra functionality from Zend+plug ins than it would from Zend alone.

It is frequently used in finance to mean that a small amount of money (like a house downpayment) can be used to much greater financial effect, such as buying a house.

Utilize means something completely different. Utilize is often used to mean "use" but it does have a subtly different meaning, specifically, utilize means use effectively. So you can load the Zend framework, but still write all your own code in javascript. But if you utilize it, you use the Zend functions effectively to get the results you want.

Utilize is certainly an widely abused word, but that doesn't mean it can't be used correctly, or should I say utilized correctly.

According to dictionary.com (my emphasis):

to put to use; turn to *profitable* account: to utilize a stream to power a mill. 

You can make the replacement, but it would change the meaning.