Learn English – English equivalent to the Japanese saying “高転びに転ぶ” – A haughty man should tumble down


I was asked by my friend who happened to see my question I posted before about English equivalents to Chinese (and Japanese) proverbs, 塞翁失馬 Life is like old Sai’s horse, whether there is an English equivalent to the Japanese saying, ‘高転びに転ぶ’ meaning ‘a haughty man should tumble down,’ in connection with vicissitudes of human life.

It is known the phrase, ‘高転びに転ぶ – Takakorobini korobu’ was pronounced by Ankokujii Ekei, a Zen priest who became a military strategist and diplomat later in the Age of Provincial War during the late 16th century in Japan.

Ekei predicted the fall of Oda Nobunaga who succeeded in unifying divided warring countries and became the virtual ruler of Japan around 1580, by saying '高転びに転ぶ – A haughty man should tumble down' well before the new ruler's unexpected early death.

As a matter of fact, Oda Nobunaga was assassinated by his right-hand military commander, Akechi Mituhide in Honnnoji Temple in Kyoto, where he hosted a tea party on the same day, June 2, 1582, and Oda's rule was terminated.

'高転びに転ぶ' is a phrase to admonish you, you can’t be too cautious of your behavior when you are at the height of prosperity, fulfilment and pride.

Are there English proverbs corresponding to Ankokuji Ekei’s warning issued about 430 years ago?

Best Answer

The Biblical phrase, "Pride comes before the Fall"

Proverbs 16:18 http://biblehub.com/proverbs/16-18.htm