Learn English – how to use “especially”? can we use “especially” after the special object we want to mention about


Can we use especially after the special object we want to mention? In the following, does especially apply just to Australia?

First, the reading proves the significance of a mandatory voting system by giving us some cases from several countries such as Greece, Luxembourg, Thailand and Australia, especially.

Best Answer

First, the reading proves the significance of a mandatory voting system by giving us some cases from several countries such as Greece, Luxembourg, Thailand and Australia, especially.

The "especially" used above might apply to Australia alone when used colloquially (perhaps along with a pause) in conversation. But the sentence will always be ambiguous in written form as most readers will assume that all four countries are special, many of the rest will assume that only Australia is special, and the remainder will either be confused or request additional clarification.

As I'm certain the OP is aware, the unambiguous alternative would read thusly:

First, the reading proves the significance of a mandatory voting system by giving us some cases from several countries such as Greece, Luxembourg, Thailand, and, especially Australia.

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