Learn English – it called when a person has to buy items to accomplish something else


I know this woman who often says she doesnt have time to take her mom to doctors visits, or that there is money but she often takes trips to another city just for groceries and it is an all day trip.

She always has to have all the gadgets for her latest hobby. For example:

  • baking cakes: she spends lots of money in all sorts of utensils, books,etc.
  • exercise, she bought all sorts of exercise pants, tops, mats, balls, videos,especialty foods, paid dietitian, doufled bags, etc.
  • preserves, bought all sorts of books,boxes and boxes of al types of ball glass jars, all sorts of equipment needed etc.
  • making earrings, She got all sorts of items needed for it. What she uses are cut outs as the main item. She had the crukit and all the sortment needed.
  • essential oils, She has to have all sorts of oils, enfussers, essential oil infused items, like tooth paste, drinks and foods. Also, gotta have the special storage, all this costing hundreds of dollars.

She also had to have a new Apple laptop. Even, when she has a desktop, laptop, ipad, apple watch, and a regular use Apple laptop. When asked about the purchases, She calls them an "investment". Oh and those items are used for a little bit, and then forgotten!

What is the word used for a person like this? A person that has to have something in order to accomplish something else?

Best Answer

Not sure if this helps you, but among musicians, what this person displays is called Gear Acquisition Syndrome, or GAS, for short. One could say she's GASing when she prepares to go on a shopping spree.