Learn English – Making something abnormal seem normal


What's a word that can be used to describe an author's portrayal of a scene as normal even though the content of what is described is innately disturbing/unnatural?

He cut open the dog's underbelly and we all took turns examining its insides, which were just as we had expected them to be. To get over the disappointment it was suggested we head out for drinks later, which I was forced to decline…

The writer's description of the scene is word.
The writer words the scene.
This disgusting scene is worded by the writer.

Earlier I was able to think specifically of the word, but now I can't even remember whether it was an adjective/verb, so sorry for being so open in my example usages, but hopefully this contains enough information for someone to propose something.

Best Answer

Maybe detached? This has a connotation of emotional coldness or numbness

adj. impartial or objective; disinterested; unbiased; not involved or concerned; aloof.

It fits best with your first sentence:

The writer's description of the scene is detached.

I might also suggest something in the vein of nonchalant, which fits a bit better with more of your sentences.

adj. relaxed and calm in a way that shows that you do not care or are not worried about anything

The writer's decription of the scene is nonchalant.

The writer describes the scene nonchalantly.