Learn English – Meaning of ‘constantly’ in ‘everything is fluid, is constantly changing…’


Heraclitus: everything is and is not, for everything is fluid, is constantly changing, constantly coming into being and passing away.

If 'constantly' means 'no stop in every little seconds' then this is of course wrong, for example, our name may change but not change in every seconds.

If it means 'may stop in some times, but in a long-term view, never stop', then it's acceptable.

I ask what exactly CONSTANTLY means in English. IF it means like a river flows and not stop in every seconds or it means like heartbeat, you heart beat in a lifelong time, but surely it stop beat in a little time and beat again in another seconds. there are one state in river and two states in heartbeat

Best Answer

One idea that can make the sentence more acceptable is in the understanding of "everything". If you consider the statement to be "no matter what object you pick, you will find that it has changed since the last time you looked at it", then yes, you may be able to say "Robusto's name has not changed since the last time" or "this piece of paper has all the same properties as before".

However, if you interpret "everything is always changing" in the sense of "you will always be able to find at least one thing that has changed since last time", then it is much more readily apparent that this is the case. Robusto might not have changed his name, but he got a haircut, or he has different shoes on. The paper is exactly the same, but there's a pen next to it that wasn't there before.

So, it's not that every item is always different, but that some item is always different, and thus the set that contains all items is different.