Learn English – What’s the right way of expressing a desire to meet with someone in the future on the multiple basis


What's the right way of expressing a desire to meet with someone in the future on the multiple basis (unspecified number of times, but definitely more than once)?

  1. We should surely meet again and keep in contact.
    → This may mean that I want to meet only one more time and then just keep in contact.
  2. We should surely be meeting again and keep in contact
    → This will probably mean the same thing as 1.
  3. We should surely meet again — and not once — and keep in contact.
    → This may mean that I want to meet perhaps only two or three times and then just keep in contact.
  4. We should surely meet again in the future on the regular basis and keep in contact.
    → This may mean that I almost require a certain level of frequency of future meetings, while I am a far cry from putting such a burden on the person.

So, what should I say here?

Best Answer

I think something like "we should keep in contact and perhaps meet up some more", as it's not necessarily upping the frequency as "on a regular basis" but it's keeping it short and by saying "some more" you're not putting a rough number on the frequency of future meetings; not putting "a burden" on the person but ensuring that you'd like to meet more than once. Also, by saying "perhaps" you're making the person more open to choice.