Learn English – n adjective and/or noun that describes a person who is more sensitive to cold than average


In French, we call people that are very sensitive to cold "frileux" (for a man) and "frileuse" (for a woman). This word can be used as an adjective or a noun.

For example, if a group of people is standing outside during fall season, all wearing equally warm clothes, and one is shivering, French Quebecers would likely comment with something like "Tu es donc bien frileux!", which means "You are such a cold person." The person could then confirm the hypothesis or reject it, explaining that he or she is sick or very tired, for example.

I don't like saying "I am a cold person." when I mean "Je suis frileuse." because it sounds like I say that I'm unfriendly, unpleasant or not compassionate. Is there a specific word or a better expression to express this idea?

Best Answer

Nesh even has a page of its own on Wikipedia


I've only ever heard nesh used to describe people and animals as 'intolerant of cold, or wintry weather.'
Wikipedia says that in some dialects anyone who needs extra cosseting of any sort can be described as 'nesh'.