Learn English – name to describe a video game player who plays for aesthetics


Word to describe a video game player who plays for aesthetics or other useless-in-game achievements? I'd go with overachiever but it doesn't sound like internet slang, nor is it very concise.

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Best Answer

The word that springs to mind for me is "completionist." I initially began using the word in reference to MMO (Massively Multi-player Online) gamers who sought to collect every "achievement."

I have since heard the word used to describe gamers who desire 100% completion of any particular aspect of a game. Examples range from in game achievements, to clothing, quests, or 100% completion status.

Wiktionary defines the word as follows:

Completionist - one who insists on completion.

This urban dictionary listing from 2010 more closely matches the usage I am familiar with as a native North American English speaker and online gamer:

Completionist - Someone who, when playing a video game, has to collect all of a certain item, or complete something in the game 100%.

"Only a completionist would collect all of the flags in Assassin's Creed."