Learn English – Noun describing one who “acts on emotion primally”


I’m looking for a noun to describe someone who “acts on emotion primally”, or something similar.

To clarify, I’m trying to make a point about how the fanaticism of tech-fetishes (iPhone fanboyism and the like) causes people to forgo rational, sometimes even calculated, intelligent responses to criticism. Instead, people lose themselves in irrational, primal competitiveness and negativity; responses near involuntariness and waste potential value.

If any further context is desired, please let me know.

I think the closest word I’ve come to is primal, but I’d really like a noun and I’m not sure primal is as precise as it could be anyway.

Bonus: If you have a good antonym for the word that describes what I’m trying to say (so it’s more along the lines of what I mentioned as rational, calculated, intelligent) I’d love to hear it.

Best Answer

You asked for a noun but then mentioned some adjectives, so I'm going to suggest visceral, which describes a 'gut response' as opposed to a reasoned, or cerebral, response.