Learn English – One word/phrase for the serene sense after rain or snow


I am looking for a word that explain the sense of being in the fresh and cool air after rain or snow, such as this situation: After a small rain, no crowd and no noise nearby, someone walks on the road, breathes in the fresh air, feels serene, calm, peaceful and pleasant.

There is a word like 'petrichor' :

A pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather.

But it means a smell, I have looked up synonyms for peace in a theasurus, get some words like 'tranquil', 'halcyon'.


There are some phrases/verses describe the sensation in Chinese, such as

  • 空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。(kōng shān xīn yǔ hòu, tiān qì wǎn lái qiū)

    After(后) fresh rain(新雨) in mountains bare(空山)

    Autumn(秋) permeates evening(晚) air(气).

  • 灯火阑珊处 (dēng huó lán shān chù)

    means somewhere far from the lights(灯火).

    阑珊 means there is scarcely any light or lamp.

So I wonder if there is a more suitable word(or phrase even a sentence) for the serene sensation.


Why I want to look for this word?

I am trying to name my own Wechat Official Account(where I post my writings about book and life, it seems like a blog), I named it with “不热闹”(bú rè nào), because it's a serene place for me to think and learn. So when I name it in English, I want a word to express my feelings. The “不热闹” can be transliterated as "no noise". You know this is not a translation, which can not express the sensation at all.

I found the 'petrichor' when I researched at dictionaries, so I wonder if there are some other words like it, which explains a beautiful and poetic sensation.

Then I asked my first question in this community. Thanks for your help anyway. I really feel thankful and happy (sometimes surprised) here.

Best Answer

The Japanese word/concept SHIBUMI comes to mind. An almost inexpressible sense of beauty, completeness or contentment.

Shibui (渋い) (adjective), shibumi (渋み) (noun), or shibusa (渋さ) (noun) are Japanese words which refer to a particular aesthetic of simple, subtle, and unobtrusive beauty. Like other Japanese aesthetic terms, such as iki and wabi-sabi, shibui can apply to a wide variety of subjects, not just art or fashion.
