Learn English – Opposite of “trendy” without a negative meaning


I am looking for an opposite to the word trendy without giving a meaning that those who adopted the trend are old-fashioned in hindsight. For example,

Service Oriented Architecture is the trend as of now. But what is trendy in 2014 can become ______ in 2015.

So in 2015, the trend becomes widespread to the extent that it is no longer trendy, but not necessarily old-fashioned.

Edit: I am currently thinking of using mainstream. But still any other thoughts are welcome!

Best Answer

If you're not looking for outmoded or unfashionable, I suggest "commonplace".

  • Service Oriented Architecture is the trend as of now. But what is trendy in 2014 can become commonplace in 2015"

commonplace (adj) - an idea, expression, remark, etc., that is not new. Merriam-Webster