Learn English – pejorative word for “poor” that can be used in a self-deprecating way


I was trying to translate Portuguese-language expression pé-rapado into English, which literally means "grated/rasped/shaved foot", but that probably makes no sense in English. I'm not sure those words are adequate translation, since I've read that rapado in this expression originally meant that the mud from one's feet had been removed by passing the edge of a flat object through the skin).

Although that expression can be used to refer to someone pejoratively, it's also commonly used self-deprecatingly as in sou um pé-rapado (I'm a pé-rapado).

Is there a similar expression in English? How would someone say, modestly or self-deprecatingly, that himself is poor?

Best Answer

Some expressions going around the Internet are:

The third link gives an example that could fit what you are looking for: Sorry, I'm flat broke. Not a cent on me.