Learn English – prefix for “possible”, “supposed”, “potential” etc.


I am looking for a prefix to express the meaning of something possibly belonging to a class / category, or being a candidate for the concept in question.

For instance, a "[…]-solution" would be some statement or proposition that could be a solution for a given question, albeit its status of being so or not has still to be established. A "[…]-pathogen" would be a germ whose pathogenic character is still unclear; a "[…]-perpetrator" an alleged perpetrator and so forth. (Actually, I am mostly interested in a more abstract use of the prefix-root-combination).

The prefix should function in the same way as "pseudo-", "quasi-" etc. It would be nice to find something of Greek or Latin origin, but other proposals are fine as well.

Best Answer

The most common phrasing is simply using "possible". It isn't a prefix but it is rather clear:

This is a possible solution to our bug problem.

John Doe is a possible suspect in the ongoing mystery of the missing cheese.

It isn't as sexy as a prefix would be but English doesn't always offer us exactly what we want.