Learn English – Shoplifting vs. a word for “someone who orders, eats and sneaks without paying the check”


Shoplifting relates more to the physical possession of goods.

A shoplifter may pretend to be a customer or buy some and steal many
(or vice-versa). But while at a restaurant such pretense won't work.
Stealing food too is different.

  • A word for "someone who orders, eats and sneaks without paying the check.

I came across a french word- Mouche– meaning 'fly' …but could not find a proper ONE WORD substitute.

Best Answer

This is known as a Dine and Dash

A dine and dash (also referred to as "dine and ditch", "eat and run", "chew and screw" "doing a runner" or "beating the check") is a form of theft by fraud, in which a patron orders and consumes food from a restaurant or similar establishment with no intent to pay, then leaves without paying. Wikipedia