Learn English – Something can be estimated therefore it is “estimatable”


While the meaning of the word estimatable is quite clear, it is not a real English word. Is there such a real English word with the same meaning?

In case it helps, this is based on the INVEST user stories in Agile1. The E stands for Estimatable aka "should be be possible to estimate".

I am, of course, happy for such a word not to exist. If so, how would you phrase it so that it still makes sense in the above context?

1: Erick G Hagstrom pointed that the INVEST was coined by Bill Wake who uses E – Estimable.

Best Answer

Why is estimatable not a real English word? The -able suffix is productive, and dictionaries very often do not include words which can be deduced from their constituent parts, particularly since they can only include words in reasonably common usage. There is a trade-off: if they do not include words which can be broken down easily and their component parts looked up, there is more space for slightly less common words which can't be deduced as easily.

ODO has

-able suffix

forming adjectives meaning:
1. able to be:

Estimatable means able to be estimated.

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